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Last Chance Tickets - Friday @ The Viper Room

Matt Seaton

The night is almost upon us! This Friday, July 19th, Cave of Voices is playing at The Viper Room in West Hollywood in celebration/promotion of our album Tower in the Sky. Everyone who buys a ticket from us gets a free copy of the new album, so don't wait! Tickets are available ONLY THROUGH TOMORROW NIGHT. They will not be accpeting payment at the door, so if you're not on the list, you're not gettin' in.

Coincidentally, Friday night is also the birthday of our dear resident long-haired-one, Matthew Rozzi. So come and wish him a happy birthday, give him a high five or a slap on the a**, or throw things at him while on stage... we don't care, as long as you're there!

The show starts around 7pm, and there are 12 acts perfoming on 2 stages. Cave of Voices goes on around 10pm, and you won't want to miss it. If you don't already have your tickets, get them now:

We'll see you there... or will we? Clock is ticking.

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